A klímaváltozások mezőgazdaságra gyakorolt hatásának regionális különbségei a Kárpát-medencében a kis jégkorszak idején


The conditions of agricultural production were not deteriorating generally on the time of the Little Ice Age in Hungary. The climate of the Little Ice Age did not have a substantive effect on the grain production, the conditions of the wine-growing positively improved, and the hay production was spoiling somewhat though. On the Transdanubian area, the agricultural production developed well on the time of the Little Ice Age, on the Hungarian Plain and the Highland area was not a long-term substantive change, though in Transylvania was the production conditions were deteriorating. According to research results of agrarian history in Carpathian Basin the most important obstacle of the successfulness of the agricultural production the insufficiency of the precipitation. On that the Little Ice Age did not cause an agricultural crisis in Carpathian Basin during the examined three and half centuries may have been the key role the growing quantity of precipitation, and the drought become very rare though

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