Numerical Calculation of Losses of Trapped Vortices Under Strong RF Meissner Current and DC Superheating Field in Type II Superconductors


Research on the vortex dynamics and enhancing of superheating field in superconductors has attracted much attention in accelerator physics community to develop next-generation high-performance accelerator cavities. However, the extreme dynamics of curvilinear elastic vortices driven by very strong currents close to the depairing limit or superheating field of a superconductor with a nanostructured surface has not been well understood. We calculated the superheating field Hsh and critical momentum kc characterizing the wavelength of the instability λm of the Meissner state to flux penetration by solving numerically the Ginzburg-Landau equations. A bulk superconductor, superconductor with the inhomogeneous surface disorder (S-S), and multilayered surface (S-I-S) have been thoroughly investigated in this work. Our result showed that S-S and S-I-S structures can enhance the superheating field well above their clean limit. In this work extensive numerical simulation of the power dissipated by an oscillating vortex segment driven by the surface ac Meissner currents was performed. Our simulations take into account the nonlinear vortex line tension, vortex mass, Bardeen-Stephen viscous vortex drag applicable at low fields, and nonlinear Larkin-Ovchinnikov (LO) viscous drag coefficient η(v) at high fields and pinning force. We showed that the LO decrease of η(v) with the vortex velocity v could radically change the field dependence of the surface resistance Ri(H) caused by trapped vortices. At low frequencies Ri(H) exhibits a conventional increase with H. However, as frequency increases, the surface resistance becomes a nonmonotonic function of H which decreases with H at higher fields irrespective of the pinning distribution. Overheating can mask the descending field dependence of Ri(H) as frequency increases. Our numerical simulations also show that the LO effect can cause a vortex bending instability at high field amplitudes and frequencies, giving rise to the formation of dynamic kinks along with the vortex when a vortex is pinned strongly to one end. Nonlinear losses of trapped vortices in thick films under high-amplitude RF fields as functions of frequency, mean free path and pinning characteristics have been calculated

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