The Ursinus Weekly, March 26, 1923


College offers five new valuable scholarships • Scotch highlanders to entertain after Easter • Juniata cancels debate • Zwinglian Literary Society celebrates fifty-third anniversary Friday evening • Richard F. Deitz elected editor-in-chief of Weekly • Edna Detwiler elected president of YWCA • Senior class elects Class Day speakers • Executive offices adopt dormitory regulations • Schaff elects officers at special meeting • Alumni! Paste this in your hat! • Senior class honors announced • Fellowships available to college graduates • Soiree musicale • First year men win in interclass cage game • Junior play cast will begin work after Easter • What Ursinus alumni do • Ruby will be ready after Easter • 1923 tennis schedule includes old opponents • March student council dance closes pre-vacation festivities • To discuss evolution • Mr. Witmer ill

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