The Ursinus Weekly, November 12, 1928


Senior class presents The Patsy Saturday evening • Dr. J. M. S. Isenberg speaks at school of religion • Second annual dad\u27s day banquet held on Saturday • Bears bow to Drexel Dragons in last home game of season 13-0 • Yearlings defeated by Beckley College, score 8-0 • Election day a holiday on the Ursinus campus • Ursinus Biology Club reorganizes Thursday evening • Boxing and wrestling get under way at Ursinus • Ursinus debating league meets in Bomberger Hall • English Club meets in Maples Wednesday evening • Women to debate on jury system - tryouts November 10 • Women\u27s Club about to launch hosiery campaign • Consistorial dinner given the Philadelphia classis • Co-eds send Drexel home with a 10-2 hockey defeat • Chinese missionary addresses Y girls • Mrs. Webb\u27s cherubs bow down to anti-Webb boys • Y.W. girls staging a tour around the world • The Y in Chinese ways • 59,948 enroll in colleges • Collegeville A. A. present the Keystone Minstrels • U to battle Swarthmore • P.M.C. coach at pep meeting

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