The Ursinus Weekly, May 13, 1929


East campus is scene of revelry and sport at annual May pageant • New York alumni form a local organization • Bears break even on week\u27s games --winning twice and losing twice • Schuylkill takes meet from Ursinus runners • Second annual mothers\u27 dinner held Saturday • Novel informal dance held Saturday night • Co-eds tennis team wins against Swarthmore 4-1 • Miss Florence Jackson lectures on vocations • Junior prom to be held in gymnasium Friday evening • Tennis team breaks even in four matches of week • Mortgage on athletic club willed to college • Concert will be given by Curtis Institute May 20 • Prize in German department is endowed by Mrs. Lentz • Council nomination • Negative team wins in debate with Albright • Juniors and sophomores nominate councilmen • Katherine Tower \u2730 will edit 1930 Y handbook • Coeds entertained at tea by Mrs. E. S. Fretz, Thursday • Frosh track men take third place in F. & M. meet • Hill School is beaten by frosh twirlers 7-5 • Frosh team is victor over Lansdale High 15-5

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