The Ursinus Weekly, May 22, 1933


Dr. John R. Murlin will speak at graduation • Council representatives chosen by men students • Grizzlies lose return game to Villanova • Athletic club to meet • Trackmen lose final dual track meet to St. Joseph\u27s • Beethoven\u27s Mass in D to be presented as oratorio • Complete program planned for commencement week • Grizzlies take fifth place in annual conference meet • Ursinus educators plan summer trip to Europe • Keen competition for new students among colleges • Senior girls to be guests of Woman\u27s Club at dinner • Ursinus Woman\u27s Club will give tea for senior girls • Attention 1933 alumni • Last Weekly on June 5 • Y.W. president will attend camp • Seniors plant class tree • Public speaking class has banquet at Franklin House • New members and officers selected by Debating Club • Y.W.C.A. holds council fire for freshmen and seniors • Parunak secures position in Bridgeport high school • Irving Sutin selected to head men\u27s Debating Club • Faculty will hold picnic • Girl\u27s tennis team meets defeat at Beaver College • Dr. Philip H. Goepp will sponsor student recital • International Relations Club hears Yen Lee and elects officers • Dean W. A. Kline honored at men\u27s faculty club dinner • Dr. James Anders to speak at Schwenkfeldian meeting • Election of officers held at Curtain Club meeting • Revision of women\u27s rules at WSGA mass meeting • College plates with scenes of campus will be on sale • English group elections • Dr. Uphaus lectures and holds student conferences • Seniors conduct worship program at vesper service • Ursinus cubs defeated by Villanova freshmen • Grizzly nine drops game to Eastern Pen by 4-3 score

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