
Produção Científica sobre o Ensino em Administração: uma Avaliação Envolvendo o Enfoque do Paradigma da Complexidade∗


In order to understand problems that get increasingly more complex, a new perspective for education seemsto be required, focusing on the multiple dimensionsof human beings. Under this assumption, this articleanalyses the scientific production regarding education in the field of Business Administration and itsalignment with Morin’s principles for future education, based on complexity paradigm. For such aim, 103articles presented between 2002 and 2005 at the Encontro Nacional de Pós-Graduação em Administraçãohave been analysed. Findings show that most of thepapers focus education under a positivist, fragmentedperspective, not contemplating any of Morin’s sevenproposals for future education. A few integrate thecomplexity paradigm perspective. One expects that reflexions developed will benefit the knowledge growingof the field, as well as a conscious professional development, adequate to the complexity required bythepresent societ

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