Nutrition for Children


Nutrition for Children was conducted among first and second graders of the Cale School District, Cale, Arkansas. Since the school is small, the relation between the teacher and pupil is on an individual basis. This situation produced a flexible environment especially suited for an Honors Project. Reasons and/or goals for the selection of this project included the following: 1. There is a positive relation between good eating habits and good health. 2. A juvenile understanding of the Basic IV Food Groups is necessary to motivate children to eat better. 3. The School Breakfast Program and the School Lunch Program were available as a basic starting point for improving food habits. 4. Special emphasis was needed on nutrition since many pupils were from low income families. 5. Reports from the teachers gave clues that most of the children were eating junk foods instead of their breakfast and lunch. 6. This project gave an opportunity for the Honors Program student to gain practical experience working with children\u27s nutrition. The project was planned as a combination of library research by the student and actual participation in the elementary classroom. Approximately one month was spent in preparation including researching the nutritional and educational needs of the school child. The basic ideas obtained are included in theme form as the body of the project. The actual classroom participation included 8 special activities carried out over a 2 1/2 month period. The Honors student was especially fortunate to have a flexible college schedule that made Friday available for a lengthy project. The classroom activities are each described in detail as a part of the summary. At times when activities were not being presented, the student often observed the eating habits of the children at the School Breakfast Program and the School Lunch Program. Several photographs have also been included showing the class during special activities

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