Etude de l'arrière-effet de l'enfouissement de différentes substances organiques en vue de l'amélioration de sols ferrugineux dégradés


Study of the backward effect of the burying of different organic substances with a view to the improvement of degraded ferruginous soils. With the help of a se ries of incubation in vitro, we have proved, the weak of a peat and the "starter" effect of poultry droppings mixed with this peat. Trials in the open fields allowed us to study the interaction between peat and other substances biologically more active namely poultry droppings, groundnut-tops and horse manure. The first year of the experimentation, the results showed the depressive action of the peat on account of the increase of the reorganization of nitrogen andphosphorous. Nevertheless, the results of the following rainy season (1987) (Study of backward effect) show the disappearance of the depressive effect of the peat. As a matter of tact we have noticed no important difference between the treatments enriched by only falling substances (droppings and tops) and those enriched by a mixture (peat x tops). The results of the 1988 rainy season put the stress on the lasting quality of the residual effect of the peat, because the yield of the treatment (B) enriched only by peat is placed at the same level as the yield after the contribution of groundnut-tops and it is significantly superior at the 5 % level to that of poultry droppings

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