
December 2012 imaging case of the month


No abstract available. Article truncated after first page. Clinical History: A 35-year-old non-smoking man presented with a history of slowly progressive shortness of breath preceded by cough and wheezing, previously presumptively diagnosed with asthma. He had a previous history of ulcerative colitis and a +PPD for which he received 6 month INH therapy. Frontal and lateral chest radiography (Figure 1) was performed.Figure 1. Panel A: Frontal chest radiography. Panel B: Lateral chest radiography. Which of the following statements regarding the chest radiograph is accurate? 1.The radiograph shows a diffuse interstitial abnormality 2.The radiograph appears normal 3.The radiograph shows cystic lung disease 4.The radiograph a mediastinal contour abnormality 5.The radiograph shows abnormal lung volume

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