
Integration of the Romanian Industry into the European One


Romania’s integration into the European Union is an extremely complex process which has effects upon all sectors of the RomanianEconomy. Among the main principles that are at the basis of the development of economy and the reform in the present stage, the most importantposition is held by the restructuring and modernization of the Romanian industry, its reorganization and privatization with a view to ensuring adurable economic progress. The industrial policy of Romania has in view to create a framework which can ensure the development of a competitiveindustry, in accordance with the industrial structures of the European Union, which will lead to the reduction of the gap between Romania and theother countries of the European Union. The industry, as an important branch of the Romanian Economy, produces approximately 27% of the nationalraw produce and contributes by 1, 2-1,5 rate to its growth annually. The Government of Romania has approved of the document of the IndustrialPolicy of Romania between 2005 and 2008, stating that it is essential for the three basic parts of the durable development: the economic, social andenvironmental one, to be interconnected and to progress harmoniously. The main goals of the industrial policy of Romania are: the growth ofcompetition, the growth of the role of research, development and innovation, the promotion of a durable management of the resources and protectionof environment; the improvement of the professional training and occupation of labour. The post-integration strategy in the industrial sector will havein view, among others, the ending of the process of privatization of the commercial companies of the industry, the presentation of the remainingindustrial companies of the public property on the market, the promotion of the strategical cooperation of the holding type structures and of theeconomic groups with a view to connecting the Romanian industry to the process of globalization, the growth of the volume and efficiency of theexport, encouraging the export of products with a high level of processing and high added value, turning into account the geographical position ofRomania by directing the export to the neighbouring areas which can become outlets of maximum interest for the European Union. The mostsensitive sector from the point of view of the post-integration situation is the one of the small and middle enterprises. Thus, after the integration manyof them have reduced their activity or to put an end to their activity because they will not be able to cope with the competition from the EuropeanUnion. A challenge for these enterprises will be the growth of productivity, under the circumstances that the average productivity of a small ormedium enterprise is 19 times smaller than the European average rate. Besides, these enterprises will fell the effect of Romania’s integration over ayear from Romania’s integration in the European Union. The impact of Romania’s integration in the European Union upon the local industry will befelt after two years from the moment of Romania’s joining the Union. As a result of Romania’s joining the European Union it is likely to have thefollowing: higher wages, a relative diminishing of the population’s purchasing power, which will determine a stagnation of the demand for industrialproducts. The effects of the improvement of the infrastructure will be felt in the long run (3-10 years). Following Romania’s joining the EuropeanUnion the sectors which have been mostly affected are: food industry, the industry of consumer goods and retail, the most favoured sectors are thosewhich have a great export potential and which have low costs. Among these we mention the industry of generic medicines, the industry of oil, theindustry of cars and their components, producers of raw materials

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