Utilisations des produits forestiers autres que le bois (PFAB) au Cameroun. Cas du projet forestier du Mont Koupé


Utilization of Non Wood Forest Products in Cameroon. The Case of the Forest Project of the Koupe Mont. A survey using some elements of the RAA method described by Gueye and Schoonmaker (4) led to the identification of 26 plant species belonging to 15 botanical families in the Koupe Mountain forest project (Cameroon). This study deals with the utilization of non wood forest products. The small number of species reported by the study can be explained by the fact that the survey took into account only the species really used by the local population and not all those present in the forest. Study established that : harvesting and utilization of these resources generate incomes, create jobs and allow local population satisfying their needs of food, fodder, medicine, resins, dyes, fiber, handicrafts, flavorings, building materials... Unfortunately, due to organizational problems and absence of structures, the commercialization of these products does not contribute to the welfare of the local population and to the development of the production area which remained dominated by agriculture. In order to ensure the perennial characteristic of the highly demanded species, measures permitting their conservation and their sustainable utilization such as : regulation of the type and the rate of harvesting, use of non destructive harvesting techniques, their domestication through agroforestry techniques, their introduction in home-gardens... should be taken. The management of these resources requires the involvement and effective participation of the rural community. This can be achieved through mass sensitization, training and use of the media

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