Caractéristiques socio-démographiques dans la filière pâte rouie de manioc au Congo-Brazzaville


Socio-Demographic Characteristics in Die Cassava Paste steeped in Congo-Brazzaville. Cassava roots constitute a basic food in Congo. Its consumption in the form of foufou or chikwangue requires the transformation of the roots to steeped paste. Social dynamics related to the activity of production and marketing of the steeped paste, after investigation into 119 producers showed two markets in Brazzaville draining more than 40 % of the producers and retailers, one market in Pointe - Noire with 60 % of the producers and retailers, and the railroad importance for supplying these markets. Important activities are localised in rural zone more particularly in Mindouli and in Bouenza localities. Formerly forsaken with the women, the die of the steeped paste is more and more occupied by the men especially in Pointe - Noire, particularly in the marketing part considered to be less painful and more profitable. Production and marketing activities are carried out by the young people. Illiterates producers proportion is weak in Brazzaville, but stronger in Pointe - Noire. This study does not establish any bond associating the sex, the age, the instruction and the matrimonial statute in this activity

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