
Balances de elementos en un agroecosistema de caña de azúcar: I. Balance de nitrógeno


In a tropical mollisol cropped with sugar cane the annual nitrogen balance was quantified taken into account the main i) inputs, ii) outputs and iii) transference of the element (N-NO3 + N-NH4) in the plant and soil subsystems. Precipitation input corresponded to 26.3 kg N.h–1.yr-1 mainly as N-NH4. After the rain water passes the sugar cane canopy there was a retention of N in the N-NH4 form, whereas N-NO3 was leached from the canopy. Outputs through leaching reached 5.3 kg N. ha-1.yr–1 mainly as N-NO3. An important part of total soil N is fixed to the 2:1 type clay particles (montmorillonitic), abundant in the studied mollisol. It is hypothesised that this fixed N could act as a soil N reserve. Net mineralization of the organic-N reached a high value (343 kg N.ha-1.yr–1) in accordance with the intense nitrification process occurring in the soil as a consequence of the convenient C/N ratio and urea fertilisation. Major N losses in the agrosystem correspond to cropping export and removal of ashes after fire. Yearly 98% of N accumulated in the aerial biomass is lost through those ways. In general the annual nitrogen budget is driven off through input by fertilisation and output through stem cropping and N volatilisation by fire

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