Comparative morphological evaluation of lungs of died patients after pneumonectomy with intraoperational use of perftoran and refortan


The goal of the research was to estimate the morphological features of lungs, which develop under influence of intraoperational infusion of refortan and perftoran in oncological patients. It was used the material from 24 patients, died in early postoperative period after pneumonectomy for the reason of lung cancer. During intraoperational infusion therapy in 12 died patients refortan in dosage 5 ml/kg has been used, in other 12 cases perftoran in dosage 3 ml/kg has been used. Morphological analyze was performed with the help of electron microscopy, morphometricaland standard statistical methods. In cases with perftoran use it was observed both damages of aerohematic barrier structures and increased emission of osmiophilic substance by alveolocytes into the alveolar cavity. The last phenomenon has been estimated by us as a compensatory reaction directed on maintenance of respiratory function. In patientswith refortan treatment changes in respiratory tract condition were realized in complex of ‘dystrophic’ and destructive processes with less compensatory reaction

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