An exploratory inquiry : the influence of line management on an employee’s wellbeing


Abstract: Line management plays a significant role in influencing the employee’s experience of the workplace. Managers’ behaviour towards employee wellbeing is critical, as it manifests in factors such as employee performance, productivity, absenteeism, job satisfaction, attrition, motivation, engagement and morale in the workplace. The study purposes to explore the extent in which line manager practices (leadership styles) influence employee wellbeing on an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual level. The insights from the study will advance the cause of workplace wellbeing at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. In addition, best practices which improve, and guide line management practices will be illuminated to support the learning and development of line management. Exploratory qualitative research design was followed. Purposive sampling was adopted to select and identify the ten research participants. The primary data was collected through the semi-structured interviews, and the secondary data was collected through the documentation in the form of policies and research publications. The data were analysed through the content and thematic analysis methods. Based on the findings, the following management practices were identified as key in promoting employee wellbeing: communication and information sharing, ethical conduct and living the values, development of people, empowerment, building healthy relationships, supportive and caring attitude, and recognition. Effective management behaviour and practices which promote and enable employee wellbeing should be assessed through the performance systems, rewarded and recognised through various motivating mechanisms. The research findings corroborates the literature with an emphasis on the importance of management styles and practices in promoting wellbeing

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