Revolutionary additive manufacturing : an overview


Consumer demands are moving away from standardized to customized products, as such, the evolution of alternative manufacturing techniques has become imperative. Additive manufacturing (AM) is a process of building components layer by layer as against the traditional methods which are subtractive in nature. Though AM offers lots of advantages over traditional manufacturing techniques, its wide application is still however in the infancy phase. Despite all the benefits derived from AM technology, there are still a lot of unresolved issues with the technology that has hindered its performance thereby limiting its application to high tolerant jobs. This paper takes a look at some important AM technologies, some problems currently facing AM technology at large and proposes some solutions to these problems. A major known drawback in AM is poor dimensional accuracy and poor surface finish, only the layer height and melt pool temperature are controlled to solve this problem in the literature. The stair-stepping effect in adaptive manufacturing is rooted in a natural phenomenon of surface tension which is the cause of the poor surface finish and in combination with other factors is responsible for the poor dimensional accuracy. An adaptive controller is proposed for removing stair-stepping effect to improve the dimension accuracy, the surface finish and the mechanical properties of the components. Successful implementation of these proposed controllers will greatly improve the performance of AM technologies and also aid its wide application for end use products. Further research work is also suggested to improve the overall AM performance

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