An overview of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Initiatives in rural Africa towards empowerment


Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is transforming global economy, but access to use of ICT is not distributed evenly. This research focuses on addressing major economic, political and social challenges faced by rural Africa to access Information and Communication Technology (ICT). A literature survey was conducted to see the role of ICT for rural development and how different countries developed with ICT initiatives. ICT is vital for poverty reduction and in growth of sectors like agriculture, business, health, tourism, education, governance etc. Computer illiteracy, scattered population, HIV/AIDS illnesses, lack of access to internet and telecommunication facilities and lack of good ICT policies which encourages ICT inflow, have been powerful obstacles for the social and economic growth of rural Africa. The authors present a number of successful ICT initiatives on women empowerment, e-schools, e-government, e-commerce, e-health, e-agriculture and e-business that has helped to access ICT in rural Africa. The paper also gives ideas on how rural Africa can get connected. The case studies will elaborate on ICT initiatives for rural African development. The research also focuses on various ways to close digital divide

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