The Interactivity of a Virtual Museum at the Service of the Teaching of Applied Geology


[EN] In a framework in which teaching practice is a dynamic process, predisposed to continuous innovation, the Geological Collection of the University of León (CGULe), with 2000 copies of minerals, rocks and fossils, offers an opportunity for teaching innovation, in relationship with subjects of the geological disciplines that are taught in the Degrees of Mining Engineering and Energy Engineering. At, the first phase of development of the Virtual Museum of the CGULe is shown, where information and images of minerals and mineral deposits from León are offered. Likewise, videos of tests of characterization of minerals, made by students as a practice of the subject "Mineralogy and Petrography" (Degree in Mining Engineering), are offered as part of a teaching innovation. This teaching innovation was evaluated in two ways: a) comparing the academic results of students in this practice with equivalent results from previous courses and b) conducting a satisfaction survey. Given the small number of students who participated in this experience, the results of this evaluation are inconclusive. For this reason, teacher innovation will be extended in time and will be extended to other subjects of the above mentioned degrees.The work was partially funded by the project "Design of practical teaching-learning experiences in relation to the virtual musealization of the Geological Collection of the University of León", in the framework of the Support Plan for Teaching Innovation of the University of León (PAID & PAGID 2016). Likewise, the authors express their gratitude to D. Luis Armando Conejo Lombas, donor of copies to the Geological Collection of the University of Leon, as well as photographs of deposits to the Virtual Museum, and to the collaborators: Mr. Ángel Díez Bragado, Mr. Jesús García del Canto, Mr. Manuel Urcera Valladares and Mr. Guillermo Salazar Brugos.Gómez-Fernández, F.; Fernández-Raga, M.; Alaiz-Moretón, H.; Castañon-García, A.; Palencia, C. (2017). The Interactivity of a Virtual Museum at the Service of the Teaching of Applied Geology. En Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 712-719.

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