Methodology for grouping intakes of pressurised irrigation networks into sectors to minimise energy consumption


[EN] Grouping intakes into sectors so they operate in scheduled periods allows irrigation networks to be operated more efficiently from an energy point of view. In the case of systems where water is supplied by pumps, the criteria used to date to create irrigation sectors does not guarantee that pumping sets work in the most efficient manner, despite the use of variable frequency drives. A new methodology, using a genetic algorithm and a hydraulic network model, has been developed to group intakes into sectors to minimise energy consumption. The methodology was applied to a case study and several scenarios compared using energy performance indicators. Predictions on a case study in Spain showed that energy savings of 36.4% could be possible and operational network conditions can be improved by ensuring minimum pressures are guaranteed.This work has been funded by IMPIVA of Comunidad Valenciana and the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science by means of the project CICYT BIA 2004-06444. The authors wish to thank the company TECVASA (Tecnicas Valencianas del Agua S.A.) for their collaboration in this study.Jiménez Bello, MÁ.; Martínez Alzamora, F.; Bou Soler, V.; Bartolín Ayala, HJ. (2010). Methodology for grouping intakes of pressurised irrigation networks into sectors to minimise energy consumption. Biosystems Engineering. 105(4):429-438.

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