An autoethnographic study of a dyslexic efl teacher.


This is a research about dyslexia, more specifically it is an autoethnography about a child with dyslexia and how he learns a second language. To achieve it I have relied on the most current books and articles I could find about this topic, and in particular I have relied on my own experience as a person with dyslexia. In this work I am going to explain how my life has been as a dyslexic person since childhood until nowadays, difficulties that I have found in this process, my feelings, fears, strengthens and weaknesses. The process of creation of this work has been an individual discovery for me, has helped me to understand more clearly what dyslexia is and how it has affected me during my whole life.Universidad de Granada. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Grado en Educación Primari

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