Un estudio empírico del impacto de las iniciativas actuales de gestión de la calidad sobre la innovación y flexibilidad organizativa


In recent years, managers have opted for implementing Quality Management in their firms. The market offers different alternatives for QM implementation (EFQM, ISO, Six Sigma, etc.). Benefits of each initiative, varies from case to case. This article designs a criterion for choosing among four alternatives (Quality Control, EFQM, Six Sigma and ISO 9000), according to the different effects that QM elements included in each initiative, have on innovation and flexibility capabilities. To do so, using a stepwise regression with dummy variables, it analyses 234 European organizations. The research concludes that QM elements included on Quality Control and ISO standards have the same effect on administrative and technical innovation, and operational and strategic flexibility. QM elements included in EFQM model have a deeper impact on administrative and technical innovation, and strategic flexibility. And finally, QM elements included in Six Sigma methodology have a deeper impact on operational flexibility

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