Innovation, Creativity and Entreprenaeurship Learning Outcomes in Higher Education


A major trend in higher education is the current shift towards improving students’ creativity and individual thinking. The aim of this shift is to bring students closer to the real world and the complex problems they will encounter outside formal education. Competencies describe what training participants should be able to do at the end of such training. This paper defines the learning outcomes associated with the innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship competency. This proposal draws on a review of the innovation and competencies literature and the expertise of selected staff. According to the literature review and the following analysis by the authors, the main indicators (key aspects) associated with the competency are as follows: seek opportunities, generate ideas, execute plans and add value. These indicators vary by educational level to reflect increasing complexity and difficulty in the learning outcomes at each stage of university education. This paper proposes learning outcomes and indicators associated with the competencies of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship. It corresponds to the first essential step associated with the definition of a competency assessment.This research has been partially supported by: Project for educational improvement B019/14. Integrating teamwork and leadership in class, funded by School of Higher Technical Studies in Engineering and Design and the Vice-Rector of Studies, Quality and Accreditation. Project for educational improvement (PIME/2014/A09). Students' perceptions and motivations in the development and assessment of competencies at the UPV, funded by the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática and the Vice-Rector of Studies, Quality and Accreditation. European Union [FINCODA 554493-EPP-1-2014-1-FI-EPPKA2-KA] and Universitat Politècnica de València [PIME/2014/A/013/A - Barómetro INCODE: Evaluación de Competencias de lnnovación en la Empresa y en la Universidad]. (The European Commission’s support for this publication does not constitute an endorsement of its contents, which reflect the views of the authors only. The European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use of the information contained herein). Project for educational improvement (PIME/2013/A/016/B) RECICRE - Rubric for evaluating competence of innovation and Tempus IDEA Inter Disciplinary Education Agenda.Cuenca, L.; Bonet Espinosa, MP.; Boza García, A.; Fuentes-Durá, P.; Lajara-Camilleri, N.; Marín García, JA.; Peris-Ortiz, M.... (2015). Innovation, Creativity and Entreprenaeurship Learning Outcomes in Higher Education. IATED, International Association of Technology, Education and Development.

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