Phase equilibrium of volatile organic compounds in silicon oil using the UNIFAC procedure : an estimation


This paper focuses on the phase equilibrium of volatile organic compounds in silicon oil chemically known as PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane) at infinite dilution. Measurements can be expensive and time consuming, hence the need for thermodynamic models which allow the calculation of the phase equilibrium behavior using a limited number of experimental data. The objective of this study was to predict infinite dilution activity coefficients of selected VOCs (volatile organic compounds) in PDMS using the Original UNIFAC model. The predicted results show that PDMS can be used to abate volatile organic compounds from contaminated air streams. The results obtained in this work are comparable to those obtained by the same authors through measurements such as the static headspace and the dynamic gas liquid chromatographic techniques as well as other literature. Although the UNIFAC group contribution method over estimate the infinite dilution activity coefficients, the results of this work may be applied in preliminary phases of process design, simulation and feasibility studies

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