Development of Computer Vision Applications to Automate the Measurement of the Dimensions of Skin Wounds


[EN] This paper shows the progress in the development of two computer vision applications for measuring skin wounds. Both applications have been written in Python programming language and make use of OpenCV and Scipy open source libraries. Their objective is to be part of a software that calculates the dimensions of skin wounds in an objective and reliable way. This could be useful in the clinical follow-up, assessing the evolution of skin wounds, as well as in research, comparing the efficacy of different treatments. Merging these two applications into a single one would allow to generate two-dimensional results in real time, and three-dimensional results after a few hours of processingThis work is part of the Ph.D. research of D.S., which is supported by a grant from Generalitat Valenciana - Consellería de Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deporte and the European Social Fund (ACIF/2018/160)Sánchez-Jiménez, D.; Buchón Moragues, FF.; Escutia-Muñoz, B.; Botella-Estrada, R. (2019). Development of Computer Vision Applications to Automate the Measurement of the Dimensions of Skin Wounds. Proceedings. 19(18):1-4.

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