Examining student ICT ownership, use and preferences towards electronically delivered learning resources in Nakhon Phanom University and Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University


The objectives of this research were 1) to find students’ ownership of technology devices, ownership, soft-ware facility, and preferences, 2) to find out what devices instructors use in the classroom, 3) to find out how the students use the online learning that the university provided for them, and 4) to examine students’ software skills. The questionnaire and the interview instruments were designed to clarify participants’ attitudes, and used a Likert scale. Surveys and qualitative research design were developed using Qualtrics software, which is an online research survey tool that can be used for a whole range of data gathering purposes applicable to Higher Degree Research. The samples were the students in both universities (Nakhon Phanom University and Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University), a total of 977 people. A statistical computer program was employed

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