Differences in transport and land use in thirteen comparable Australian, American, Canadian and European cities between 1995/6 to 2005/6 and their implications for more sustainable transport


This paper summarises the findings of thirteen comparable North American, Australian and European cities in relation to a range of transport and land use-related indicators and their changes between 1995/96 and 2005/06. The trend comparison helps to highlight the influence of existing land use and transport policies in different cities and an examination of land use and transport vision documents in the thirteen cities shows where they are heading and the likely effectiveness of their policies. Overall, the data show that there have been some improvements in urban transport in terms of growth in public transport and reductions in car use in the decade considered, but there are also some negative trends. Generally the data show that whilst public transport has been holding its own or improving in many cities, much more needs to be done for it to compete better with the car. The paper will highlight some overall general recommendations in relation to urban transport and land use in order to move more consistently towards sustainable transport

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