The role of protein dynamics in loss-of-function disease mechanisms: a NQO1 cancer-associated polymorphism as model


Tesis Univ. Granada.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en QuímicaWe thank Prof. José Manuel Sánchez-Ruíz for kindly providing the home-built software to determine solvent accessible surface areas. This work was supported by grants from MINECO (BIO2012-34937, CSD2009-00088 and SAF2011-23933), Junta de Andalucia (P11-CTS-07187), European Union (FP7-REGPOT-CT2012-31637- IMBRAIN) and FEDER Funds. A.L.P. is supported by a Ramón y Cajal research contract from MINECO/ University of Granada (RYC-2009-04147). N.M.-T. is supported by FPI predoctoral fellowships from MINECO. E.M.-C. is supported by a predoctoral contract from Junta de Andalucia.ALP thanks Prof. Jose Manuel Sanchez-Ruiz for support. This work was supported by grants from MINECO (BIO2015 66426-R to JMSR, CTQ2015-64445-R to JLN and SAF2015-69796 to ES), Junta de Andalucia (P11- CTS-07187 to ALP) and FEDER funds. EMC acknowledges a pre-doctoral fellowship from Junta de Andalucia.ALP thanks Prof. Jose Manuel Sanchez-Ruiz for support. JLN thanks C. Arrowsmith for the kind gift of the SAMp73 vector. We acknowledge the ESRF for the provision of synchrotron radiation time at beam lines ID29 and ID30A-1, and the staff for their helpful support. EMC acknowledges a pre-doctoral fellow- ship from Junta de Andalucía.ALP thanks Prof Jose Manuel Sánchez-Ruiz and BM thanks Prof Francisco Conejero-Lara for support. This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BIO2015-66426-R to JMSR and BIO2013-40697-R to FCL), Junta de Andalucía (P11-CTS-07187toALP) and FEDER funds. EMC acknowledges a predoctoral fellowship from Junta de Andalucía. We acknowledge the Diamond Light Source for provision of synchrotron radiation time at beam line B21, and to Robert Rambo and Nathan Cowieson for assistance during data collection. The sponsors had no role in the design of this study

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