World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
A study was carried out to determine the influence of the temperature and the reaction involved on the leaching of coppermatte. Copper (Cu) bearing matte from Impala Refinery (Pty) Ltd was used in the investigation. The experiments were conducted in a leaching cell submerged in a water bath, with ammonia concentrations (leaching solution) of 3.0M, temperature of 50°C, 60°C and 70°C, pH of 11 and for a time period of 130 minutes. Leaching tests indicated that Cu recovery increased in the temperature range 50°C - 60°C, however at a temperature of 70°C Cu recovery decreases because of cementation process as nickel displace copper. The shrinking core model was used to determine if the leaching process was diffusion controlled, or chemical controlled, or even mixed controlled. It was found that the leaching process could not be determined using the shrinking core model due to the cementation process of Cu. It was concluded that an increase in temperature results in an increase in the Cu recovery however the temperature should not be too high as cementation process increase with increasing temperature