Lean agility implementation and process optimisation decisions


Organisations face many challenges in their battle to survive in the current economic climate. A major challenge facing an organisation is the need to change and change rapidly to remain competitive. This imperative to change can be categorised as a key to survival. A major change agent in the current economic climate is the optimisation of resources and business processes. Consequently, optimisation has become an essential part in the strategy for survival. An important prerequisite in achieving optimisation is the elimination of waste and as a result adding value to business processes, products and services companywide. Recent research postulates that to be successful, organisations must implement strategies to boost process optimisation objectives that achieve customer satisfaction and competitiveness. This paper explores and investigates the interrelationship between lean agility implementation and process optimisation decisions. It particularly focuses on the impact of lean application in terms of speed, flexibility, reliability, quality and cost in an attempt to create value to survive and attain customer satisfaction

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