Illegal dumping challenges in West Rand District Municipalities (WRDM), South Africa


Abstract: Increased population and urban migration in the West Rand District Municipality (WRDM) have significantly contributed towards increased waste generation and associated challenges. Increased waste generation exerts pressure, difficulties and constraints in waste management in the district with regards to storage facilities, receptacles, removal services and transportation. The lack or absence of waste management services in addition to other factors are catalysts and drivers for illegal dumping. In WRDM, illegal dumping is a result of rising waste disposal tariffs, lack of storage facilities, disrupted waste collection schedules, unsafe and inaccessible dumbing sites particularly for in informal settlements. Illegal dumping is prevalent in low income and overpopulated areas. Ignorance, lack of minimum education and public awareness with regards to integrated waste management significantly contribute to illegal dumping which is threat to human life and the environment. Exploring energy and material recovery from waste opportunities plus recycling could contribute towards reduced illegal dumping

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