A simplified control scheme for electric vehicle- power grid circuit with DC distribution and battery storage systems


Abstract: Direct current (DC) system is becoming the major trend for future internal power grid of electric vehicles (EVs). Since DC power grid system has a different nature to conventional alternating current (AC) grid system, appropriate design of the controller for EV- grid circuit is mandatory. In this paper, an EV employing a pure DC grid circuit with battery storage system (BSS) is considered as a study case. To enable a more efficient use of BSS, a flyback DC-DC converter for batteries charger/or discharger strategy is selected, which satisfy the power flows requirements. The dynamic and control performances of the combined system, i.e. “BSS- flyback DC-DC converter- connected to a DC motor”, is investigated in terms of voltage/ current signal fluctuations. The small-signal based control method is used, which limits the small-signal variations to about zero. To verify the effectiveness of the control strategy several simulations are done using Matlab. The simulation results illustrate the performances obtained

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