Exact Solutions in Gravity: A journey through spacetime with the Kerr-Schild ansatz


The Kerr-Schild metric ansatz can be expressed in the form g_{ab} = \gbar_{ab}+\lambda k_ak_b, where \gbar_{ab} is a background metric satisfying Einstein\u27s equations, kak_a is a null-vector, and λ\lambda is a free parameter. It was discovered in 1963 while searching for the elusive rotating black hole solutions to Einstein\u27s equations, fifty years after the static solution was found and Einstein first formulated his theory of general relativity. While the ansatz has proved an excellent tool in the search for new exact solutions since then, its scope is limited, particularly with respect to higher dimensional theories. In this thesis, we present the analysis behind three possible modifications. In the first case a spacelike vector is added to the ansatz, and we show that many, although not all, of the simplifications that occur in the Kerr-Schild case continue to hold for the extended version of the ansatz. In the second case we look at the Kerr-Schild ansatz in the context of higher curvature theories of gravity; specifically Lovelock gravity which organizes terms in the Lagrangian in such a way that the theory is ghost-free and the equations of motion remain second order. We find that the field equations reduce, in a similar manner as in the Kerr-Schild case, to a single equation of order λp\lambda^p for unique vacuum theories of order pp in the curvature. Finally, we investigate the role of the Kerr-Schild ansatz in the context of Kaluza-Klein gravity theories

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