Greenway Planning; Developing A Network Methodology For Jordan


Greenway network planning has become an acknowledged tool for allocating land for recreational purposes. Within developing countries such as Jordan, urban laws lack implementation plans and/or policies regarding green open spaces, ecological networks and greenway planning. A review of the currently effective planning policies and city mandates of Jordan reveals that the concept of preserving land for environmental and recreational purposes is addressed (Laws no: 79/15/F, 79/19/F, 79/23/F, 79/52/F, 79/58/F, 1966), yet no strategies are present to instrument land acquisition other than land subdivision laws (Law no: 12/6, 1976 and 1980). Since these measures were not part of the physical planning of districts in Jordan, this study proposes a methodology that predicates on seizing opportunities for implementing such networks. Consequently, as no land is planned for the network; this study is engaging allotted land for drainage and natural water courses as a prospect solution. The process systematizes the selection of the network links based on three factors; assessment of connectivity supplies; assessment of site suitability; and assessment of accessibility. This study creates a modified planning system that considers recreational land allocation based on local legislations and land provision strategies for the first time in Jordan. Al-Jubaiha District (population: 50,800 people, 2004) in Greater Amman Municipality is chosen to test the applicability of the proposed hypothesis and methodology. The main reason is its physiography, its demography, and the potential abundance of vacant undeveloped land

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