Impact of fertilization on the firmness of cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon AIT.)


Abstract. Québec is one of the leading cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.) or called ‘Atoka’ in the Iroquoian language, producers in the world. Fertilization is a key management tool to reach high fruit yield and good quality. For example, in blueberries, rates and application methods of fertilizers can affect fruit firmness. N showed the greatest effect on the development, flowering, and productivity of the cranberry plant. On the other side, hand harvesting is preferred for marketing of fresh fruit since the physical abuse of mechanical harvesting reduces fruit firmness and substantially reduces market life. The objective of this research was to study the potential of firmness reflectance TA.TX2 Texture Analyzer as a means for measurement of fresh fruit firmness. Four experimental sites were established since 2014 on podzolic acid sandy soils containing more than 90% sand at Notre Dame-de-Lourdes and St-Louis-de-Blandford in central Québec. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with cv. “Stevens” established on permanent plots comprised five N, three P, four K and S, and also two Mg, Cu and B doses. Berries were hand-harvested on 0.37 m2 areas, 2-3 weeks before commercial harvesting. The fruits from zero N treatment were best for firmness and economic profit. Although, These N application rates discourage a good relationship between commercial yield and fruit quality. In other hand, the zero N rate resulted in lowest yield production and high quality; the fruit had the greatest N (60 kg ha-1) rate was diminished significantly firmness of the cranberry fruit. Finally, the 45 kg N ha-1 rate produced high yield with the buildup and maintenance concept and poor fruit quality

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