Winter 1972


The Mode of Action of Arsenicals in the Soil by Cecil F. Kerr (page 3) The Golf Course Superintendent: A Job Description (5) Factors Affecting Carbohydrate Reserves of Cool Season Turfgrasses by L.J. Zanoni, L. F. Michelson, W.G. COlby, and M. Drake (6) Turf Bulletin\u27s Photo Quiz by Frederick G. Cheney (9) A Close Look at TCDD (10) Environmental News--Environmental Protection Agency Cancels Registration of Herbicide Amitrole (11) Homeowner\u27s Section--Crabgrass in Perspective by R.A. Peters (12) Merion Tees--Maintenance Suggestions (14) Use of Ammonium Sulfate in Fluid Fertilizers by Frank P. Achorn and W.C. Scott, Jr. (15) River Ecology and the Impact on Man (17) To Roll or Not to Roll (18) Editorial--Talkin\u27 Turfie (24

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