Networks of Opportunity: Public Engagement Survey Results


The Project for Public Spaces notes, “People who use a public space are the ones who know, from experience, which areas are dangerous and why, which spaces are comfortable, where traffic moves too quickly and how certain aspects of a space could be improved” (2011, p. 13). Therefore, public engagement was a core part of our project. As previously stated, one major objective of this project is to propose safer paths to school for students. This objective stems from the fact that no bus services are provided to children who live within 1 mile of an elementary school, 1.5 miles of a middle school, and 2 miles of a high school. Since Pacer Planning could not gain students’ input for ethical reasons, target stakeholders that can act as proxies for the student population are the City’s Parent Teacher Organizations (PTOs), public safety officials, and school administration officials. In a similar vein, the target population includes students’ parents. Gaining these individuals’ input on where problem areas exist would provide invaluable insight when formulating our recommendations

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