Place Vibrancy and Its Measurement: Construct Development, Scale Development, and Relationship to Tourism


Arts and culture (AC) serve multiple roles in society. Over the last 10 to 15 years, the process of using AC to achieve community development goals has been labelled as creative placemaking. Creative placemaking programmers originally considered the broad concepts of livability and vibrancy to the goals of the programs and began developing indicators to measure them. However, thought leaders considered these endpoints to be too nebulous, and grantmakers responded to the criticisms by halting efforts to develop overall indicators. Other researchers have begun to use place vibrancy as a variable in other contexts. This set of studies is an extension of the initial line of inquiry for using vibrancy as a measure of creative placemaking. I propose that place vibrancy is a construct that can be measured through a psychometric scale, which might serve as an indicator for economic development efforts, such as tourism

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