Complex B Vitamin Improves Performance of Mediterranean Buffalo Calves in Artificial Suckling from Birth to Weaning


The aim of this study was to evaluate the ponderal development, blood parameters and hematological from buffalo calves in artificial suckling supplemented with vitamin-mineral additive from birth to weaning. 18 buffalo calves were used and divided into two random groups: 1) control group; 2) group supplemented with vitamin B complex (Metacell ®). To evaluation of the ponderal development, the calves were weighed weekly and measured the thoracic perimeter, height and body length. Blood samples were collected weekly throughout the experimental period by jugular vein puncture. The group of calves supplemented with additives showed the greatest ponderal development in relation to the control group. Similarly the group of calves supplemented with additive has higher concentration of total cholesterol, urea and total protein. However there was no additive effect on the levels of glucose, albumin and beta-hydroxybutyrate. The values of leukocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes increased with the oral use of the additive in relation to the control group. This study supports the definition of reference values for the evaluation of buffalo calves during suckling period. The additive use to buffalo calves improves ponderal performance without significantly alter the metabolic profile

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