Tests of Chiral Perturbation Theory at DAΦNE


Presented at the XXIII International School of Theoretical Physics "Recent Development in Theory of Fundamental Interactions" Ustrón. Poland, september 15-22, 1999.DAΦNE will offer an opportunity to check Chiral Perturbation Theory predictions at higher order. In this talk I have selected a few topics for which it is expected that the lowest order calculation will not be sufficient in order to compare with the experimental results. In particular I will discuss pion pair production in two photon collisions, Kl3 and Kl4 decays.This work has been partially supported by the EEC, TMR-CT98-0169 (EU-RODAPHNE network), CICYT, under contract AEN96-1672 and Junta de Andalucía, under contract FQM101

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