Somatization: A Riddle Wrapped Up in an Enigma


A propensity to experience psychological distress and their expression in the form of somatic symptoms and to seek medical help for them is called Somatization. It is basically an inception of some psychiatric conditions like Affective Disorders (anxiety and depression) and Somatoform Disorders. A Somatoform Disorder is a category of mental disorder in which physical symptoms that suggest physical condition or injury cannot be explained fully by a general medical condition. This possibility must always be considered when patient has recurring somatic complaints for at least six months. Depression and Somatic Symptoms Disorder can easily be recognized when they present separately or in association with each other. But the main hurdle is to develop a holistic approach and strategy to not be misguided by the intimidating nature of presenting physical symptoms. For that detailed evaluation should be carried out and every single possibility along with somatization should be kept under consideration, which would enable to recognize and treat the illness earlier and save considerable amount of time and resources as well

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