Finnish Ospreys 1971–2017: Conservation and Research


The Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) breeds all over Finland: from the southern archipelago (60o N) to the northernmost Lapland (70o N). The Finnish Osprey population decreased in the late 19th and early 20th century due to persecution. During the World War II Osprey population recovered slowly, but decreased again from the 1950s to early 1970s, because of (1) persecution during migration and wintering, (2) the impact of contaminants, particularly of the DDT, and (3) the lack of old flat-topped trees for nesting. In 1971, I launched together with the Finnish Ringing Centre The Project Pandion with the following aims: (1) to monitor annual changes and long-term trends in the population size, productivity, survival and dispersal and (2) to verify the effects and to estimate the importance of potential negative human factors (persecution, environmental contaminants, forestry, commercial fishing, recreation etc.) on the welfare of the Finnish Ospreys. This presentation is mainly based on the results of Project Pandion

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