Results of surgical treatment of recurrence of varicose veins, manifested expansion of perforating veins


The paper presents an analysis of a examination of 87 patients with relapse of varicose veins after surgery, manifested in the form of an extension of perforating veins. These patients after the examination were re-operated on us. Depending on the method used to treat the patients were divided into 3 groups. In group I, the elimination of reflux of superficial femoral vein combined with ligation of perforating veins. In group II perforating veins ligation was performed without eliminating reflux. In the III group included patients femoral vein-off valve, which also carried the ligation of perforating veins. Repeated relapse in group I was observed in 9.1% (2), the second was observed in 66.7% (10) of patients in the third group recurrence showed at 37% (11) patients

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