Prematurely Born Children: Vaccination – Safety and Specific Immune Response


The analysis of safety and efficiency of vaccination of the children born before the term (61 children of 1 – 4 degree of prematurity) and children born in time (21 children – group of comparison). For vaccination and revaccination was used: DTP (20 and 15 children respectively), DTaP (22 and 4 children), pentavalentny vaccine (DTaP/IPV/Hib – 9 and 2 children) and DT (10 children of the studied group with convulsion in the anamnesis). Against measles, mumps and a rubella was immunized 47 and 20 children respectively. After immunization all clinical symptoms was analyzed and after 2 months diphtheria measles and mumps antibodies was detected.Prematurely born children has the 1 vaccination for 3 – 4 months later, then infants, with born at time. After vaccination 75.4% and 74.5% infants in both groups hadn’t any clinical symptoms. Acute respiratory infection was registered with the same frequency (25,5 – 25.0% and 24.6 – 23.8%). The antibodies titer to diphtheria, measles, mumps didn't depend on degree of prematurity

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