The new variety of winter soft wheat for the Middle Povolzhye ‘DARINA’


The article gives the description of winter soft wheat variety ‘Darina’. The variety has been developed by intraspecific hybridization with the further individual selection from the hybrid population, i.e. winter variety ‘Omskaya’/’Kazanskaya 560’/‘Kazanskaya 285’. The variety of wheat is erythrospermum. The cultivar is of high productivity with the average yield of 4.89 t/ha during the years of testing, that is on 0.95 t/ha more than the productivity of the standard variety. The cultivar produces stable yields, if it is sown in black or seed fallow land with the use of conventional agro technology. Fertilizing of 1 kg of active nitrogen increases grain productivity of the cultivar on 10-12kg, that proves its high responsiveness on mineral fertilizing. The variety is middle maturing, resistant to snow mold and seeding blight (fusarium). The variety has been listed into the List of valuable grain wheat. It has been recommended for the Middle Volga region of the Russian Federation

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