5. The role of microvascular free tissue transfer for foot and ankle defects: Results and outcome.


Introduction: The foot and ankle defects include large primary defect following trauma, infection with osteomyelitis and oncologic resection with soft tissue loss. The primary goal of lower limb reconstruction is to prevent amputation and give a durable coverage of defects. Therefore, microvascular free tissue transfer is a useful and an effective method for foot and ankle reconstruction. Materials and method: In the current study, we performed a prospective analysis of patients who underwent lower limb reconstruction at our medical institution during the period of January 2018 to October 2018. In our study we reconstructed defects of dorsum of feet and ankle using radial forearm free flap, latissimus dorsi free flap, anterolateral thigh free flap. These were performed patients age ranging between 20 to 55yrs. All the patients were followed for 6 months. Results: there were 15 patients, 13 males and 2 females, with age ranging between 20 to 55years; we reconstructed defects of dorsum of foot and ankle defects with free flap. Overall survival of flap rate was 93.3% (14/15) Conclusion: Free flap is an ideal option for foot and ankle defects especially in patient with large defects to salvage the limb. It is a better option in case of sole and dorsum of foot defects

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