Anodization Treatment of Ti6Al4V in Electrolytes Containing HF


The Ti6Al4V alloy is already well-known likely material for implant applications. As well as pure titanium, Ti6Al4V alloy possess the ability to form spontaneously a thin passive oxide layer on the surface. This oxide layer provides an enhanced biocompatibility and may be optimum for the osseointegration if it is applied a tailoring of the surface topology and chemistry. The present paper addresses a study of Ti6Al4V surface modification by anodization as function of HF concentration in electrolyte and time, with the purpose to achieve an ordered porous titanium oxide layer. Prior to the anodization treatment the as-prepared surfaces were microstructurally characterized by SEM, EDX and XRD. The oxidized surfaces were subjected to SEM measurement in order to observe the achieved morphology

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