Hermeneutical Situation Creators in the Domain of Nationalism in the Cultural Policy Making of the Islamic Republic of Iran


Although nationalism is honored alongside the Islamic unity in the upstream documents of the government, in practice this concept has not been streamed in the next layers and has resulted in uncertainties and , therefore, has harassed cultural and public policy makers in this area, knowingly or unknowingly.Policymakers create a hermeneutic situation for themselves as a result of every stance they take, and their a posteriori understanding is under the impact of their a priori one. These are hermeneutic situation creators some of which have key roles in giving rise to a chain of hermeneutic situations in the domain of nationalism.In this research, by using the thematic analysis method, “conflict situations in the domain of nationalism, based on six sources including upstream documentation, statements by Imam Khomeini and Supreme Leader of the Revolution, strategies and policies adopted by governments, comments by the authorities, elite and educators, models and patterns of public and cultural policy, and also 21 dilemmas of the Council of Europe are extracted , and also by using the ISM method the key hermeneutical situation creators are identified and explained. In the end, the most important hermeneutical challenges in the domain of nationalism based on hermeneutical situation creator relationships in the nationalism domain, have been analyzed

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