
Quantum teleportation with squeezed vacuum states


We show how the partial entanglement inherent in a two mode squeezed vacuum state admits two different teleportation protocols. These two protocols refer to the different kinds of joint measurements that may be made by the sender. One protocol is the recently implemented quadrature phase approach of Braunstein and Kimble[Phys. Rev. Lett.{\bf 80}, 869 (1998)]. The other is based on recognising that a two mode squeezed vacuum state is also entangled with respect to photon number difference and phase sum. We show that this protocol can also realise teleportation, however limitations can arise due to the fact that the photon number spectrum is bounded from below by zero. Our examples show that a given entanglement resource may admit more than a single teleportation protocol and the question then arises as to what is the optimum protocol in the general case

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