
De-Quantising the Solution of Deutsch's Problem


Probably the simplest and most frequently used way to illustrate the power of quantum computing is to solve the so-called {\it Deutsch's problem}. Consider a Boolean function f:{0,1}→{0,1}f: \{0,1\} \to \{0,1\} and suppose that we have a (classical) black box to compute it. The problem asks whether ff is constant (that is, f(0)=f(1)f(0) = f(1)) or balanced (f(0)≠f(1)f(0) \not= f(1)). Classically, to solve the problem seems to require the computation of f(0)f(0) and f(1) f(1), and then the comparison of results. Is it possible to solve the problem with {\em only one} query on ff? In a famous paper published in 1985, Deutsch posed the problem and obtained a ``quantum'' {\em partial affirmative answer}. In 1998 a complete, probability-one solution was presented by Cleve, Ekert, Macchiavello, and Mosca. Here we will show that the quantum solution can be {\it de-quantised} to a deterministic simpler solution which is as efficient as the quantum one. The use of ``superposition'', a key ingredient of quantum algorithm, is--in this specific case--classically available.Comment: 8 page

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